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W.F. Price July 16, 2014 at 16:38

Pointing out the “canary in the coal mine” role blacks have taken on over the last half century is absolutely essential, IMO.

White Americans have had it so good for so long (although I suspect that’s ending) that they cannot relate at all to the struggles and pathologies of white or Asian foreigners (e.g. social problems and poverty in E Europe and NE China). However, they are all aware of the urban ghetto phenomenon, so pointing out the causes of dysfunctional culture there is something that might actually allow them to understand cause and effect.

If I were in China, however, I’d point out the social problems within the migrant laborer population; in Eastern Europe, the deep despair of the industrial towns and regions. Black Americans have actually had it better than these two groups for at least a generation, but Americans are mostly unable to begin to imagine what post-Communist Europe and Asia are like.

So, the point is, you work with what people know.

NWOslave July 16, 2014 at 19:15
W. F. Price, Why do you mock in a ridiculing tone these “highly educated people” and “brilliant leaders”? These laws, policies and media endorsements were created by highly educated brilliant leaders.

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