Ceci est une version archivée de Admin à 2024-06-18 12:56:57
American Inmates Dating
How to Avoid New Relationship Weight Gain
How to Save Your Relationship if You Have Gained Weight
Top 5 Reasons Why He Lost Interest While Looking at Your Online Dating Profile
Why I lost interest on the guy that I was dating
Online Dating Profile Pictures – A Case Study
10 Good First Date Suggestions (and 4 first date “don’ts”)
5 Rules for Rebounding from a Relationship Right
Will Letting Your Man Sleep with Other Women Help Your Relationship?
In terms of being upset with white folks for not wanting to be “friends” with- or “date”- Black women, where did that come from? That is not an obsession with which I am familiar or that I share. I strongly believe that people ought to go where their interests and desires take them. Naturally, our desires are shaped by very specific factors and conditioned to some extent by environment… inc. the media. How can racism not impact social relations? It impacts mortality rates, income, where people live, how much their property is worth, whether or not they get stopped by the police. These things are all related/inter-related. And yet, the sum total of these things does not make up the totality of any one group.
I am as disinterested in folks who “bash” Black women (yawn) as I am in folks who “celebrate” our loyalty, our hips, our lips, our Mother Earthness, our goodness and our epic “strength.” As for whether or not Black women deserve criticism… huh? Don’t most individuals merit it at some point? What are we talking about here? And how does surveying racial response rates = the championing of miscegenation? Why is the discussion or critical analyses of social trends and/or institutionalized practices always boiled down to whining? Examination does not equal advocacy.
Lastly, progressive is as progressive does… and human are humans. Shocker! When folks answer questions online, they are thinking ahead to how the answers, if made public, might be interpreted.We are all invested in seeing ourselves in a certain light. There is what we believe v. what we profess to believe v. what we would like others to think we believe. Progressive just means you know what you are “supposed” to say.